How to upload files after an order is placed

What to do when you you need to upload files after placing an order.

1. Go to WooCommerce and navigate to Products on the left-side menu.

2. Locate the order you want to upload files for and click on it. 

3. You will then see a page with the details of your order. Scroll to the Product data field and make sure you have the С product check box marked.

How to upload files after order is placed (Copy) - Step 2

4. Open settings in the Product data section.  
How to upload files after order is placed (Copy) - Step 3
5. Enable the Manual file upload. This should be located near the top or bottom of the page in the Printed product file field. 
How to upload files after order is placed (Copy) - Step 4
6. Navigate to Orders on the left-side menu and click on the order you need to adjust. 
How to upload files after order is placed (Copy) - Step 5

7. Click Edit item to upload a file or add an auto-downloadable link. 

How to upload files after order is placed (Copy) - Step 6

How to upload files after order is placed (Copy) - Step 7

8. Once you are done, click Save. In the order info section, click on the Post order to CP button. 

How to upload files after order is placed (Copy) - Step 9

9. A new window with two options will pop up. We recommend using native shipping quotes. Click Next and Post order to finalise your changes.

Woohoo! Your file is now added to the order.